Welcome to Shakespeare!
This page will keep you updated on what is happening in Miss Lee and Miss Gravel's Grade 10 Academic English classes. Our current unit will be on Shakespeare, and we will be studying Othello.
Here you'll find a day-to-day breakdown of what we will be talking about in class, important things to think about as you read each act, as well as an area for you to post questions about the play.
If you must miss class, do not fret! You will be able to find the handouts you have missed on this page, as well as comments and questions from fellow classmates.
There is a link for each Act of the play in the "Pages" section to the right, so any information or questions you have can be addressed in the appropriate section! You will also find additional resources that will help you navigate Shakespearean plays, understand Othello, or just have some plain old fun!
Let's get started!!! :)